Big topics

Listening to and learning from thought leaders around big issues that churches and families face.

Being a good parent is a big responsibility at whatever age. Teenage parents face additional challenges that negatively impact on their capacity to consistently provide what their child needs. They may experience rejection from family, community, health facilities and their church. Pregnancy makes this teenager a vulnerable child.

Every pregnancy story is unique. And the unborn child did not choose its parents or the context in which he or she was conceived. To give this baby a good start to life, and to set him or her up for success into the future, the teenage parent needs additional support and care. And at Sikunye, we believe local churches can play a unique role in strengthening these young families.

Access the recordings and range of resources here: The Church and Teen Parenting.

We know that when fathers are involved during the First Thousand Days (FTD) of their children’s lives, there’s an increase in mother’s mental health and well-being, and the bonds formed between dad and baby lead to a higher academic achievement, increased confidence and healthy conceptions of masculinity.

But real and pervasive barriers are in place that hinder or restrict father’s involvement, some of which are long-held beliefs and expectations of men’s role in parenting. *It is estimated that for every 8 hours of unpaid care work done by a woman in South Africa, only one hour is done by a man.

With an estimated 43000 churches in South Africa, in which there are millions of fathers, father-figures and fathers-to be, the church has a unique opportunity to speak into and encourage the positive role a father plays in his child’s life.

Access the recordings and range of resources here: Fatherhood, The Church & the FTD.

Being pregnant, or being a caregiver of a young child, is hard work. Added to the big responsibilities of parenting are many other factors that families and caregivers face. These can cause a type of stress that is difficult for the caregiver and can also negatively impact the growth and development of children. All families need support and many need intentional intervention to see that they become resilient families.

Access the recordings and range of resources here: Building Resilient Families.

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