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When you care for families with children in their First Thousand Days of life, you create opportunities for greatness to grow and thrive in our nation.
By the time a child reaches two years of age, their brain will be 80% of its adult size. The time from conception to two years is one thousand days: a never-to-be-repeated time of development. When children get what they need in this time, they will be on the path to reaching their God-given potential. But parents and caregivers face many challenges and might not be able to consistently provide what baby needs. What parents and caregivers need is support from a community. This is our big idea: the church is ideally positioned and equipped to strengthen and care for families so they can give the care that baby needs.
Watch our November featured events!
Being a good parent is a big responsibility at whatever age. Teenage parents face additional challenges that negatively impact on their capacity to consistently provide what their child needs. They may experience rejection from family, community, health facilities and their church. Pregnancy makes this teenager a vulnerable child.
Every pregnancy story is unique. And the unborn child did not choose its parents or the context in which he or she was conceived. To give this baby a good start to life, and to set him or her up for success into the future, the teenage parent needs additional support and care. And at Sikunye, we believe local churches can play a unique role in strengthening these young families.
Find out more on our page, The Church and Teen Parenting.
Everyone has a part to play
It takes more than a single parent or caregiver to raise a child – it takes us all. If you are a church leader, you have a powerful role in building a church community that supports families with young children. If you are a church member, there are so many ways you can be part of caring for families. Be part of the modern-day village around families.
The Church & Early Life
If you want to hear more about the opportunity the local church has, join us for our Church & Early Life webinar. You will meet members of the Sikunye team, better understand the First Thousand Days and what you can be doing to support and strengthen families.
Want to get started? Then Commit your Church.