Antenatal and Postnatal

A strong start begins in the womb. Yet, all too often, parents do not receive adequate support and information when pregnant or whilst their baby is very young – support that’s needed to give their children the best start in life.

Sikunye recommends the Flourish antenatal and postnatal training to see churches offer classes for expecting and new moms and their babies, empowering them to establish a foundation for their children’s academic success, health and general well-being.

"When you pay attention to the beginning of the story, you can change the whole story"

Raffi Cavoukian


The human brain develops faster from conception until two years than at any other time in life – growing as much as 80% of its total size during this period. Since healthy brain development starts in the womb and impacts learning and behaviour into adulthood, we should make the most of this time. It offers a vital opportunity to give children what they need for a start strong in life.

To do this, Sikunye works with Flourish, a national social franchise, and is supported by the Grow Great Campaign, an initiative focused on helping babies and young children grow to their full potential. Together, the aim is to train and equip women from local churches to run antenatal and postnatal classes in their communities for pregnant moms, and moms and babies, empowering them to support their babies’ development right from the time of conception.

Potential hosts undergo a test and interview period, following which they attend an intensive boot camp training for one week. Here they learn how to take moms on a journey for 10 weeks where moms learn about self-care, forging their child’s future, bonding with their baby, and how to love, play and talk to their baby in a developmentally-supportive way.

VioletA Flourish Mom

The National Integrated Early Childhood Development Plan (NIECDP) asserts that parenting support programmes, are “a proven intervention for building constructive parental-child relationships and effective parenting practices” and that they “are critical for parents who are raising children in the context of high levels of poverty; chronic illness and disability; violence; and other social risk factors.” 

NIECDP RSA, 2015, p. 43 cited in Hall et al., 2017, p. 24

Interested in becoming a Flourish Host?

If you would like to lovingly support expecting and new moms in your church and surrounding community, visit the Flourish Network to find out more and submit your application. Or you can sign up by dialing *134*48333*04# from your phone and following the prompts. Applications are now open.

Please note: if you would like to offer antenatal and postnatal classes in your church (or as part of a church ministry) please inform Flourish during the interview process that you are part of the Sikunye network of churches.
