2024 in the eyes of the Sikunye team

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2024 in the eyes of the Sikunye team

Behind the work of Sikunye is a group of individuals who are committed to seeing every child get a strong start to life. From meetings, to planning, to running events and everything in between, the Sikunye team has seen many things this year. Here are some of their reflections on the year.

Ruth Lundie

I look back on 2024 with a full heart. This year, I marked 10 years of working in and being part of the Early Life initiative of Common Good. I have had the privilege of being part of this story since the beginning, when there was just an idea. I have seen how this initiative has evolved from working with pregnant moms in Vrygrond and Heideveld (2014 -2016) to conducting the research project (2017 – 2018) that birthed the vision of the incredible role the church can play in supporting the first thousand days of life.

I marvel at how much the Early Life initiative, now Sikunye, has grown, and what has been accomplished over the last 10 years.

I am grateful for the opportunity that I get to engage daily with wonderful individuals who are eager to practically and positively make a difference for the youngest children in their midst. Each of these individuals is passionate about seeing a better future for our children in South Africa. All this fills me with hope and I finish 2024 with a full heart.

Daisy Pearce

2024 has been a rollercoaster ride: exciting, extremely busy and exhilarating. We have seen growth in the number of people that have heard the message of the church and the first thousand days. I have seen that the message has gone deeper, too! This year, over 500 church leaders made a commitment to caring for families in the first thousand days.

I am reminded of a gardener that plants a seed anticipating a harvest by faith.  I feel like we have planted many seeds since the launch of Sikunye and those seeds have taken root and we are starting to see some fruit of the past years. It has been so encouraging for me in the work that I do.

I am extremely grateful that God has allowed me to be part of this amazing work that he’s doing in the churches and communities around the country and beyond! I look forward to more that he has in store for us in 2025, all Glory to God in the Highest!

“And now we thank you, our God and praise your glorious name!” 1 Chronicles 29:13

Mawande Gcilitshana

I am the newest member of the team, only having joined in November! I marvel at the scale of impact this team has in the local church and communities. The stories and feedback I’ve heard from leaders are so real and vulnerable about their fatherhood experiences.

This big drive on raising awareness and equipping church leaders about the First Thousand Days (FTD) is something that has gripped my heart afresh as I relate to the rewards and memories of my fathering skills of my three children. I have learned the vocabulary of this essential bed rock of children’s development: we can see thriving human beings if babies get the right start to life.

I am learning at a high speed as I grasp the heart and work of Sikunye, and yet I also feel like I’m learning as a beneficiary of this program. The Common Good vision of Supporting Grassroots Transformation is both changing my heart and empowering me to lead well as a father.

I start my journey with Sikunye with a great deal of excitement as we end the year 2024. I look forward to the life and community changing adventures in 2025.

Richard Lundie

The imagery of sowing seeds is a powerful one. We have been reminded this year that the work we do is a lot like farming. But in other people’s gardens. We are committed to seeing children thrive and reach their full potential. These children are spread out across the nation, and we have little to no chance of ever meeting them.

What has been encouraging to me this year is to hear from those ‘farmers in their fields’: the people who have been faithfully supporting and strengthening families. Their stories have been so heartwarming, as we get a picture of the fruitfulness of their work.

One particular event stands out to me from 2024: our 5-year celebration. It was deeply encouraging to pause and reflect on the journey that Sikunye is on. From those early days of dreaming to the many encouraging signs along the way, we are here today because of the faithfulness of God to see children flourish.

As I look to 2025, I am filled with excitement and anticipation! Much more is to come!

Jessica Muller

Most South Africans enjoy watching the rugby. As a spectator, there is an excitement of witnessing the game: cheering and celebrating when there is a win and supporting when there isn’t. For years I have been an enthusiastic spectator of Common Good and have celebrated from the sidelines of the work that has been done in shifting, shaping and sustaining justice. In every problem, the solution starts in the foundation which is why I have been a fascinated spectator of the transformation of Early Life growing into Sikunye.

Every baby deserves the right to be loved and cared for. People don’t choose when and where to be born. It is our responsibility as society to give them their best chance in whatever circumstances they are born in. It is unsettling that society focuses on the endgame of success without emphasizing the importance of the beginning. This is the vision of Sikunye: to drive the importance of the First Thousand Days which has an impact on the future outcome of the child and a start in changing the landscape of South Africa’s legacy.

I’m beyond excited! I am no longer a spectator of the incredible work Sikunye does. I joined the team in October and am part of the ‘game’! There is lots of training to be done but being part of the engine of change brings a new exciting season ahead and I am ready for it!  Well done Sikunye and thank you for letting me join your team! Onwards and upwards!

Busiswa Mbabala

2024 has been a year of growth for me, both in my workspace and personal space. Personal highlight: After losing my child shortly after giving birth, I didn’t think I’ll be able to step up and honour the calling that God entrusted me with. I am still here and I think I am going from strength to strength.

A highlight for me was to host a Church and Early Life event in Soshanguve along with Ruth and two of our community mobilisers, Dithoriso Mphuthi and Thando Jackson Nkosi. We had over 150 churches represented in that space. One of the hard topics discussed was teenage pregnancy. My heart delights even more when seeing that we have responded to such big topic through Thought Leadership hosted over three sessions in November and December.

I personally feel that this year has been a beautiful successful. We have seen pastors coming through asking relevant question and taking initiative in small steps that make huge difference for families. An example of this was my trip to Thembalethu, George in the Western Cape. I translated and presented our material to church leaders and their wives. It was so beautiful to see them making references of how the programme can help and how big is the need in their community. It was encouraging to see them discuss what roles fathers can have parenting in the FTD space.

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