Loving Connectors

Volunteer training to empower everyday citizens to be the modern-day village for families.

We picture Christ-followers across South Africa actively reaching out to families in their churches and neighbourhoods. Through these loving connections being formed, families are strengthened and supported. Families (mothers, fathers, caregivers) feel seen, heard, and part of a greater community. Through the simple, yet intentional, actions of believers, isolation is broken, loneliness is overcome and families have a growing sense that they can do it.

You don’t have to be a professional counselor or expert on the First Thousand Days. You simply need to reach out and love your neighbour (Mark 12:31), intentionally caring and supporting them in this time. You just have to be a friend; listening, caring, praying and encouraging them as they care for their child(ren). You are not the saviour, the solver of problems, but a kind friend, who shows 1 Corinthians 13 love through this season.

To attend these events, your pastor needs to have activated your church

If you are not sure if your church is activated, please speak to your pastor or email us: info@sikunye.org.za