
All families need support to provide responsive, nurturing care

This can be done through a network that encourages, cares and provides practical support. Home-visiting is designed to do exactly that; to equip churches to practically and effectively support expecting/new moms, dads and caregivers through the First Thousand Days season of their child’s life.


Home-visiting seeks to deepen a caregiver’s ability to sensitively care for and connect with their child, encouraging them to play a more proactive role in their baby’s foundational moments of life. The role of the home visitor is to become a source of connection, love and true friendship to enable the mom/caregiver to do this. The Home-visiting training equips church volunteers (home visitors) with the skills to foster authentic, trusting relationships with families, whilst walking a journey of support to be the village to the family in the FTD of life. The Home-visiting materials and training have been designed for The Church but using existing evidence-based programmes. Church volunteers undergo two days of training, to then identify from within their church or surrounding community, the pregnant women or families to walk alongside and support – with a focus on those families/moms who are disconnected from community and struggling.

Home visitorCommon Ground Church, Wynberg

Start Home-visiting in your church

Sign up here to apply for the next home-visiting training in February 2021.