Every church can create environments and communities to support families so that they can provide responsive, nurturing care to their children. Sikunye offers training that equips and empowers you and your church to offer targeted support and experiences for families in the First Thousand Days (FTD).
Champions Planning Workshops
Are you ready to take the next steps to becoming an FTD-friendly church? Sikunye invites you to join our Champions Planning Workshop, where you will network with other churches while looking at the strengths and assets of your church and how these can be re-purposed for FTD related activities.
Ante- and Postnatal Visits
All too often, parents do not receive adequate support and information when pregnant or while their baby is very young. This deprives them of valuable information and skills needed to give their children the best start in life. Sikunye has partnered with Flourish to equip churches to run antenatal and postnatal training for expecting and new moms. These comprehensive classes empower caregivers to establish a strong foundation for their child’s academic success, health and general well-being.
Every family, everywhere needs support during the FTD. This is a demanding time when moms, dads and caregivers often feel isolated and overwhelmed. Home-visiting training equips church volunteers with the skills to compassionately walk alongside and support families during the FTD of their child’s life.
Book-sharing uses beautiful picture stories to encourage two-way engagement and emotional bonding between parents, caregivers and children. It is not simply “reading” to a child who listens passively; instead, the child is actively engaged and encouraged to lead the story, supported by an adult who is attentive to their interests and communication. Sikunye has partnered with The Mikhulu Trust to enable local churches to implement book-sharing as part of their ministry to families and caregivers of young children.