How modern-day villages grew in 2021.
Sikunye has been humbled to see the network grow in 2021. With over 300 churches committing themselves to caring for families in new ways, we are seeing large and small modern-day villages all over the nation.
Being a First Thousand Day-friendly church is a journey. Churches take their first steps by looking at what God has put in their hands, exploring their context and discerning what it is that they can do next. One church might start by training home visitors, others might preach about the importance of the First Thousand Days.
We asked a range of churches to share with us what new things they introduced in 2021. Most of these churches are new to the Sikunye network. They have committed themselves to being the modern-day village around families in and around their church.
Do you have a heart to see your church playing its part in seeing all children get a strong start to life? Are you wondering what you can do? Have a look at our Church Member page, or our Church Leader page to locate yourself in the Sikunye journey and take your next steps.
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