Getting Your Church Started

We believe that every person has a part to play in writing the narrative of our future South Africa. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of families and young children.

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Getting your local church active in serving families involves three groups of people: Church leaders, congregants and FTD-leaders – known as Champions.  Choose which best applies to you to explore what your next steps are.

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Church Leader

Sikunye believes that for a church to be effectively serving families, the leadership needs to be aware and involved. This ensures that all First Thousand Day activities are part of the life of the whole church.  We don’t believe the church leader must do everything, but rather have opportunities and responsibilities unique to the role.  Explore the journey of a church leader here.

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Church Member

Every person has a part to play in strengthening and supporting families. Wherever you are, you can make a difference and be part of all children getting a strong start to life. Explore what you can do here.

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If you are passionate about your church playing its part in supporting families and want to lead a team of people to do this, consider becoming a Sikunye Champion. A champion works with the church leader and volunteers to see a growing community of care for parents of young children. You can be trained by Sikunye to do this. Find out more here